I R Fox


Hello, nice to meet you! This is the home of writer I. R. Fox.

Thank you for visiting - please do look around, and check out the blog section for all my latest ramblings.


I’m Isabelle, and I write under the pen name I. R. Fox. I was born and bred in south east London, where I still reside with my fiance, Jonathan.

From an early age, I harboured a passion for writing and storytelling. I loved pretending to be my favourite characters and role playing with friends, almost as much as I loved making up my own!

When I hold a book in my hands, it’s a key. A key to another person, another world, another adventure. My favourite books are those that are imaginative and fantastical, by authors who have thought beyond the realms of our own understanding and existence, and created something else. This is what I am striving to create – novels that transport the reader somewhere new, helping them forget about their everyday life through diverse, complex characters that face extraordinary challenges.

I write adult fantasy, particularly exploring the formative adventures and changes we go through between the ages of 18 and 30. Writers who inspire me include S. A. Chakraborty, Shauna Lawless, Lucy Holland, Chloe Timms, V. E. Schwab and Leigh Bardugo.

I’m a member of the Edinburgh Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers group, and I host the Flirty February Reading Bingo Challenge on Instagram.

I regularly attend writing retreats, as I find I do my best writing when I have a little bit of extra headspace. I most frequently attend the Urban Writers Retreats hosted by the wonderful Charlie.

In my spare time, I like to read (of course!), play tennis and practise yoga. I also enjoy playing video games - favourites include the Fable series, Animal Crossing, Baldur's Gate 3 and narrative visual adventures (particularly otoge such as Piofiore: Fated Memories and Code:Realize). I love playing DnD with friends, and occasionally I even dabble in GMing.

I listen to music whilst I write - usually lofi or classical, plus the odd film soundtrack. When I need a pick me up, though, I'll put on some country, KPop or classic rock!

If you'd like to connect, you'll find my email address and links to all my socials at the bottom of the page.


Page Turner Awards 2022 - Writing Award - Longlist

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme 2022 - Longlist